Feminist Dream; Socialist Dream

I dream of a world where men and women are equal.

Where I can walk down the street without fear of being groped or harassed or assaulted.

Where the father of my child has equal rights to them as I do.

Where my daughter can play sports without being called “butch”

Where my son can be proud of his emotions.

Where no child’s genitals are mutilated upon birth, for cultural reasons or cosmetic ones.

Where all people are given the same opportunities and rights, regardless of class, gender, colour or creed.

I dream of a world where humans work together as humans. Where we embrace our differences, and celebrate how our diversity gives us a broader view of this life. The greatest thing people can do is co-operate. Together we can do great things. We have seen this in movements of hundreds of people, or thousands, we’ve seen this in nations and unions, we need to start seeing this globally. We are all people. We are all different and all complex and all completely equal. No one man or woman is worth more than any other. I dream of a world where this is the known truth.

Where gender does not separate us. Where class does not separate us. Where nationality does not separate us. Where religion does not separate us. Where sexual orientation does not separate us.

I dream of a world where all people are equal.

No one lives in fear of being themselves.

Where love for humanity itself unites us all.

Is this dream too great for this world? I think not.

Zara x

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